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About us

PLASSON & The Community

A two-way connection of giving and receiving in aim to create an equal, rightful, and quality reality for the society and the environment

Our Community Projects

A project in collaboration with the healing Teddies organization in hospitals located in the geographical area of PLASSON. The volunteers undergo guidance followed by visits to hospitals in order to hand out teddy bears, which come with detailed hug instructions.
The project has been taking place for several years now and many employees get to participate and take part in it.
Healing Teddies
An organization that distributes, packs and prepares food for the less fortunate . PLASSON places emphasis, as part of a social responsibility program, on supporting , assisting and assuring the distribution of meals to the communities in the area.
Meir Panim
Long-lasting partnership with the Pardes Hanna / Karkur community, which includes volunteering and donations to children at risk, elderly centers, Holocaust survivors and more.
Pardes Hanna / Karkur Community
Supporting Miftan Nirim center which promotes and rehabilitates youth at risk.
Miftan Nirim
Restoration of the limestone hill located north of Plasson and a unique natural gem. The employees paved organized hiking trails to preserve wildflowers, cultivate and clean the area.
Restoration Of The Limestone Hill
Division contribution – joint activity and donations to a chosen organization.
Division Contribution
Donations committee – the committee meets once every quarter to discuss requests received by employees and various bodies.
Donations Committee